Babysitter Information Booklet

Wednesday, 8 May 2019
When you're leaving your children in the care of a babysitter it is always important to ensure that the person you're leaving in charge has all the information that they're going to need to make the night as smooth as possible. From emergency contacts to bedtimes routines, there is a lot of information that needs to be passed onto them. 

One of the things that I've found can be hard when babysitting for new families is ensuring that I have all the information that I need for that night. Even if I was just putting the kids to bed, ensuring that I had emergency contacts and allergy information just in case was important. 

Which is why I put together this booklet that can be used by parents and babysitters/nannies alike.

The booklet consists of six pages that cover's everything from family contact information, emergency contact, where the parents will be, all about the children, allergies, babysitter information as well as a page that is blank for anything else that needs to be included.  


There is space for five children names, but because it's a digital download you can print and reprint pages as you need so you can add more children if need be. I included a page about the bedtime routine as well as any comfort items so that kids don't feel as if things are more out of sorts than what they actually are. There is also a full page on just information that the babysitter may need regarding things in the house, like how to log onto Netflix and any snacks that are available.

I tried to be as thorough as possible with all the information included in the booklet, as well as generic so that it could be used multiple times. The only exception being the page on where the parents may be and who they were with. I wanted to include that one as some parents I have babysat for have made sure that I had that information available just in case so I wanted it to be available for others to use as well.


Everything is available on Etsy right now for $3.85AUD. As I said earlier in the post, it's a digital download and once it has been purchased you can use it as many times as you possibly need it. Each page has been designed to fit on an A4 piece of paper and you can fill in each section how you wish. 

If you're interested in purchasing the booklet, you can find it here.

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