Musical Mondays

Monday, 25 May 2020

For about 18 months before moving to Sydney and starting my career as a Nanny, I worked in a library and helped out with the programs like Story Time and Baby Bounce. I loved helping to organise everything and helping out with the programs as it was a lot of fun and I saw how much the parents and the kids got out of it.

One of the things that I was looking forward to the most with AJ while I was home was getting out and going to things like Baby Bounce at our local library. When AJ was 6 weeks old everything with COVID-19 started and two weeks later we were all on lockdown. It sucked. I was looking forward to those groups so much, especially as we were moving and it was going to give me a chance to meet other Mums and potentially make new friends. 

For a while I started to get upset what we were missing out on that and I let myself feel that. I knew I wasn't the only Mum who had had a baby early this year going through the same thing, so I wasn't alone. Then I remembered that this wasn't forever. We did very well at containing the virus early on and we're now slowly lowering restrictions. I'd grown up on a farm, I knew that while interacting with others is important this short period of time wasn't going to be too big of an issue. She'd catch up. 

4 Ways to Use your Breastfeeding Pillow

Tuesday, 19 May 2020

So you've bought a breastfeeding pillow and you're either no longer breastfeeding or you're looking for other ways to use it in order to get your money back. Well I've got 4 ways that the breastfeeding pillow can be used that can be beneficial for your baby or helpful for you.

Before I begin I'd like to put a warning in here that the uses that I have listed are all uses that you're going to need to supervise bub while doing. I know it should go without saying, but it's just something I want to throw in there just to make sure that no one reads this and thinks that it's ok to just leave your baby alone while doing these things. 

AJ Three Month Update

Friday, 15 May 2020

We’ve reached three months. The fourth trimester is over and a quarter of your first year of life has passed. It doesn’t feel that long ago that AJ was still a newborn but you’ve done so many amazing things thing since then that I can’t wait to see what happens next.

Family Life

Well it finally happened, we moved. I have been talking about it for a while but it finally came and we made the move from Sydney to just past the New South Wales and Victorian border. Everything was amazingly smooth. AJ and I headed out to my parents place after spending three days packing up what we needed to before the movers arrived. 

So You're Going Back To Work...

Wednesday, 13 May 2020

Dear Mama (and Dad if you’re also reading this),

You’ve had a beautiful baby. For the past few weeks and months, you’ve been able to have endless cuddles and be loved on by that tiny human, who knows nothing about what is happening in the world right now. But the time has come to think about the future and whether to go back to work or not.

Some of you have decided that you want to be a stay-at-home Mum for the foreseeable future or are already stay-at-home Mums. Maybe it was because you found child care was going to be too expensive or maybe it was just what you feel is calling for you. Regardless you’ve given your notice and you're ready to spend your days with your baby.

But not everyone is going to find that choice is right for them. Some of you will decide to go back to work. For some it’s financial, for some you love your work, and for some going back to work is just going to be beneficial for your mental health so when you are with your kids you are a better parent. 

With that decision to go back to work comes another one - who is going to take care of them?