A Wet Valentines Day

Friday, 14 February 2020

My first Valentine’s Day as a Mum started off very interestingly. 

If I’m completely honest, I totally forgot that Valentine’s Day was coming up. Since AJ’s birth, my days have all kind of blurred together and I’ve only looked at a calendar when I needed to know a date for some paperwork. So I didn’t know that it was Valentine’s Day until I came downstairs at 8am to feed AJ and was scrolling through Facebook. I didn’t feel bad that I forgot. T and I don’t really do Valentine’s Day. I’m not one for flowers, I prefer to get a plant than cut flowers, and neither of us really feel like going out and doing things.

As I scrolled through Facebook, my sleep-deprived brain forgot about the day before and the vomit filled day we had had. For the past week or so I had been noticing symptoms from AJ that made me suspect that she had a mild form of reflux. Not bad enough to disrupt her sleep but enough that if we didn’t do certain things during her feed it would result in her bringing up part of it. However, if we broke up her bottle and burped her multiple times during it, then kept her upright for 20-30 minutes afterward the vomiting wouldn’t occur. We may have to contend with some spit up but she would look a portion of her meal. 

The day before was filled with a lot of trying things out until we fine-tuned it and had a relatively easy night. I lost a little bit more sleep than I normally would as the new routine would take 45 minutes compared to the 20 it would normally take but the end result was that AJ was sleeping better and for longer periods so it was worth it. 

However, as I gave AJ her bottle, I didn’t break it up as much as I had during the night. We came to the end and I went to move her from the reclined position in my arms, to over my shoulder to burp her and initiated the first wave.

In my career as a nanny, I had been in the receiving end of vomit many times. Normally I’m very quick and I’m able to avoid getting any of it on me. I blame lack of sleep for not reacting quick enough, but then how can I prepare myself for being hit with vomit as if it was a machine gun in WW2 cutting down Nazis? 
One shower and a bath after this all happened.

The only thing that my experience allowed me to do was to keep cool, calm and collected and not become over-dramatic like an actor in a war movie from the 1950's: “Ah! I’ve been hit! Goodbye cruel world! Johnny, tell mama that I love her. Tell Peggy she was the only girl for me! Oh! Oh! I see the light. It’s so pretty!”

Thankfully I was the only victim and because I was going to have a shower once T woke up, I gave myself and AJ a wipe down, not too worried about how it looked for the moment. 

This attack seemed to settle AJ for the moment and there was no more vomit directed at me for a while. AJ was able to drift off to sleep as I had my own breakfast and looked through Instagram. 

Time passed and once again AJ let me know that she was hungry. A bottle was prepared, we got comfortable and this time I was much more attentive to the new routine, making sure to stop and burp her intermittently. 20 minutes later she had her fill and I decided to experiment and let her stay reclined for a little bit to see if letting things settle first before I moved her helped at all.

That was my second mistake of the morning. 

Two minutes passed and I heard AJ make a gagging noise. I looked down to see that she was in fact gagging and I moved her to see if that helped and so I could flip her onto her stomach if I had misinterpreted what I was seeing and she was choking instead. 

I hit my third mistake at that moment.

Moving her quickly from reclined to sitting jump-started a fountain of vomit that erupted from her as if someone had made a hole in a water balloon and was just letting the water flow from it. It lasted two-second as lost but it was enough to cover me and the couch. 

Then there was a pause and it stopped. I held my breath, hoping that that would be it. I was wrong. 

The second fountain of vomit clicking in quickly and this time my phone was included in the victims as well as myself and the couch. The only person would walk away without vomit on themselves was Arlo, who AJ had missed entirely despite him being pressed up against me and supervising AJ’s bottle time. 

Then, as if nothing had happened, AJ slipped off into unconsciousness, leaving me to handle to clean up. 

I can’t fault her decision as if I was able to pass the clean-up off to someone else and have a nap I would have done the same. Instead, I gave AJ a wipe over (which she did not appreciate) and then focused on the couch before heading upstairs for the shower I was now looking forward to immensely.

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