AJ's One Month Update

Saturday, 22 February 2020

Time has amazingly flown. It feels as though I have just blinked and suddenly AJ is a month old.

I would like to say that it has been all smooth sailing but it hasn’t. Even with over a decades worth of child care experience, I’ve found myself challenged like never before with this tiny human and while I knew that having my own was not going to be the same, I’ve found myself in this funny middle ground where I know what I’m doing but at the same time everything is new.

This is why I wanted to document this new journey. I wanted to be able to share what life is like and show the journey that we go through as this year is going to be a big one and that’s not just because AJ was due. We’ve got a number of big changes happening in the next couple of months alone.

So buckle in as this is a long one!

Family Life

I’m currently in the middle of writing up my birth story, as well as what happened each trimester, but we were not fully prepared for AJ to arrive. My waters broke early on the 20th of January at 36 weeks and 5 days and we were still missing the bassinet for the pram and hadn’t installed the car seat yet. No one was aware that I was in labour until we sent off the announcement that she was here and everyone was surprised.

The majority of AJ’s first week with us was spent in the hospital. Originally it was because we were unable to get some at-home services due to where we lived so the hospital suggested that we stay a couple of days so all the tests that needed to be done could be done. On the day we were set to go home we found out that she had lost over 10% of her weight which wouldn’t have been a big issue as the midwives were sure they would just have us top up with formula to boost her weight. What made us stay longer was AJ’s jaundice levels being high enough that she needed night therapy. The first 24 hours she was on a billy blanket in our maternity room but that only lowered her levels a little bit and we ended up in the special care nursery for another 24 hours so she could be under more intense lights.

Every second day of her second week was spent going back to the hospital for follow up blood tests. After the second one it was suggested that we got 48 hours on formula instead of just topping her up and see if that helped. It did and it confirmed the doctor’s suspicions that she had breast milk jaundice. We were given the all-clear to go back to breastfeeding but I eventually decided to go exclusively to formula after a lot of issues trying to get her to latch and many tears.

AJ's One Month Update

While all this was going on, we introduced Arlo and Daphne to AJ. Their introduction requires their own post because I cannot gush about how well these two adjusted to the new human in our house. They are so amazingly gentle with her and protective. She just has to make a single upset cry and they are at her side in an instant checking to make sure she is ok. She can’t go a couple of hours without getting a sniff over by one or both of them and occasionally Daphne is able to sneak in a lick or two before we’re able to get her to stop. Amazingly, the two of them had a harder time adjusting to all the new items that we had in the house for AJ than AJ coming home herself.

We are still slowly making our way through meeting family members. My parents came down for my 30th birthday to meet her as did T’s parents and both sets of grandparents are enamoured with the newest addition to the family. AJ is the 10th grandchild on T’s side of the family so she has a number of cousins who were excited to meet her. Fittingly one of the first was the niece who managed to outdo an Aunt and a cousin in guessing what her name was when I was halfway through the pregnancy. She was also talking about swapping AJ for her little brother but in the end decided to stay with her brother.

My brother, J, met her for the first time last week and I have never seen him look so excited in his life. I shouldn’t be surprised as every time he and our other brother, B, were at my parent’s house while I was calling Mum I would always hear them call out “Am I an Uncle yet?”.

We still have a few close family and friends who haven’t met her yet but it is only a matter of time before that happens.


So, this is a category that I probably won’t always have in these updates but because AJ is new and we’ve had a few health-related checks this month it’s worth having in here.

Before I go any further, I will be very transparent – we are vaccinating our daughter. I am an asthmatic, I developed it later in life after having pneumonia, so making sure that I stay up to date with my vaccinations is very important, for my professional life as well as my personal life. I make sure to get my flu shot every year as well because I find that even if I catch the flu, the shot lessens the effects of it and I get over it a lot quicker than when I don’t get it. So, there was no question regarding whether or not we were going to vaccinate AJ. When she was born, she was given her first two shots – Hep B and Vitamin K – and she took them well with no sign of any kind of reaction in the 24 hours after.

AJ's One Month Update

The one thing I was really keeping an eye on after her birth was AJ’s head. We had to have assistance with a vacuum during labour and so for a few days afterward she had a large lump that was bruised on top of her head. The lump went down beautifully and we were warned that it could cause some jaundice but because the area didn’t yellow, we thought we were in the clear until they did some blood tests. A month later you can only tell that she had something happen to her head because she had some marks that are still healing on her head and it looks like she’s been scratched there.

I went into detail about AJ losing more than 10% of her birth weight and her jaundice in the previous section so I won’t go over that again. We went through all the normal newborn tests while we were in hospital and AJ passed all of them beautifully. Everything came up clear but we were told that that doesn’t mean that things won’t develop, just that at the moment she’s passing them. Like most things, we have to keep an eye on them, especially in terms of some family history health things.

This month AJ got her first virus as well. I will always be thankful to my amazing friends who pointed out to my sleep-deprived self some abnormal breathing after I showed them a video of her squeaking as she had always done. After monitoring it and talking to another friend who had more experience with medical things, we decided to err on the side of caution and went to the ER. The ER doctors thought that she had Laryngomalacia, where the tissue above the vocal cords are softer than normal and can flop back onto the airway, and a suspected heart murmur and admitted us just to be on the safe side and to expedite tests. However, an hour before we were taken up to paediatrics, AJ’s temperature started to rise and by the time we were in our room she had a fever.

Because she was so little, we had to do a number of tests that included a lumbar puncture and I can tell you now I have never felt so helpless than I did while we were doing these tests as I wasn’t able to pick her up and properly comfort her. She was then put on IV antibiotics and antivirals as a precaution for 48 hours. Thankfully it turned out to be a virus and nothing more. The doctor and I believe that what presented to me as hay fever (only a sniffly, itchy nose) was actually a virus and AJ happened to pick it up as well which explained the abnormal breathing and her squeaking. I’m still kind of beating myself up about this as I can’t believe I missed it but considering she was acting completely normal up until the night we were admitted I’m trying to give myself a break.

With it being a virus there isn’t anything you can actually do to get it to go away other than keep her fluids up and put some saline up her nose to help move everything. She’s handling everything beautifully and right now we’re pretty sure she’s going through a growth spurt as her appetite has increased as it does when she’s having a growth spurt.


Before AJ was born, I decided that I was going to do what was best for me and for her to ensure that we were both happy and healthy. I had supported enough Mum’s over the past decade to know that fed is best when it comes to babies and I didn’t want to put my own mental health or AJ’s health on the line just to satisfy my need to breastfeed.

We had a lot of problems trying to get her to latch deep enough. Then we had to pause breastfeed and express to ensure that she was getting enough milk to help her gain weight again before we had to do 48 hours on formula to see if that helped her jaundice. We jumped each hurdle as best we could and once we got the all-clear to go back to breastfeeding, I bought nipple shields in the hope they would help and joined a breastfeeding group on Facebook.

AJ's One Month Update

Over the next four days, I found myself getting more and more stressed. It didn’t help that when I went looking for help with AJ’s latch on the Facebook group that I had a woman tell me that I had done the wrong thing by following the doctor’s instructions and should have just kept breastfeeding because hearing that was going to help me so much. I got one good day of latching with the nipple shield and their advice before I was back to the beginning.

In the end what ended out breastfeeding journey was the day she turned 3 weeks and I spend all morning trying to get her to latch using a nipple shield only to have her knock it off as I was positioning her. By midday I was crying, AJ was crying and I made the decision that we were done. My stress was stressing AJ out and that wasn’t good for either of us. I knew that she was going to be fine on formula and she transitioned without issues because we were still using it to top her up.

Since moving her onto formula she has grown so much and become such a happier baby. She is currently averaging about 80ml-90ml every 2.5 to 3 hours, with the exception of when she is having a growth spurt as she will want to feed every 2 hours and can eat anything from 70ml to 110ml.

T has been amazing with sharing everything to do with AJ and quite often he will wake up to her cries before I do because he is a lighter sleeper. He’ll then go downstairs and get her bottle as I wake myself up enough to get her out of bed and by the time I’m all set up, T has returned with her bottle. During the day we divide the feeding and everything else to do with her so AJ is very comfortable being fed by both T and myself.


AJ's One Month Update

AJ has always been a good sleeper. I don’t know whether it’s just a newborn thing and we’re in for a rough trot later down the line or we just have our trick baby but she honestly sleeps very well. She only wakes during the night to eat every 2.5 to 3 hours but that is getting longer over time. The only time she wakes up sooner is during growth spurts when she is hungrier and even then, once she is fed and changed, she is back to sleep in ten minutes.

That is not to say she doesn’t have her moments. I’ve found that she is more likely to be unsettled during her growth spurts which often result in her wanting to stay awake and just have cuddles in bed as her Dad and I watch a movie in bed. However, after a while, I can give her a dummy and she’ll slowly drift off to sleep in my arms before I’m able to transfer her to her bassinet. She’ll then stay asleep until she is hungry next and will wake us up.

In regards to sleep for T and I we will hand off to each other. Some night I will go to bed early and T will look after her until he goes to bed and then we go to our normal night feeding routine. In the morning, I let T sleep in as when I don’t go to bed early I will have a nap during the day so we hand off to each other in those times. The only ones whose sleep routine hasn’t been played with are Arlo and Daphne, who happily sleep through all of this and have only shifted their positions on the bed so they could be closer to AJ.


I’ve always found that the first month I often one of the slowest in terms of development due to the fact that newborns sleep a lot. As a result, you’re often finding yourself spending more time working out their rhythm, their eating cues, and a thousand other things to help make taking care of them easier than on watching to see what they’re up to development-wise. It doesn’t make you a bad parent, it just means that you are adjusting to a huge change that had happened in your life.

This past month for me has been no different even though I know what development happens. It’s not like when I was a nanny as I would get a full night’s sleep and come in able to recognise the development that it happening. Right now, even though I’m aware of everything that happens in the first month, I’ve basically been on default as I adjust to everything. That doesn’t mean I haven’t been paying attention, just that noting everything down this month hasn’t really been as high on my list as getting to a good rhythm has been.

The first month of life is a lot about the reflexes. Many of their movements are caused based on their reflexes as they’re just not thinking purposely with their actions. This will change as they get older. AJ’s reflex movements are really good. Putting aside the issues that we had with latching, she is able to feed very well (often being miss piggy and coming away with a milk beard), she will root around for food and when the bottle is touched to her cheek she will move her head in the direction the bottle in in. If you place an object in the middle of her hand she will grasp it, providing she isn’t too sleepy, and when placed on a flat surface she will put one foot in front of the other, which is something she often does if her feet are touching my thighs when I’m holding her.

She’s very good at searching out sounds. If she hears myself or T talking she will either turn her head in the direction that she heard us or will just use her eyes to search us out. While she is mostly seeing in contrasts at the moment, she will track items she finds interesting, often a person or Arlo or Daphne. She will also stare very deeply into your eyes while you are talking to her.

In terms of loud noises not a lot startles her. Arlo is a barker so she has heard him do this since before she was born and now when he barks, she doesn’t even wake. The only time that changes is when he barks very close to her head. We’ve found very few noises cause her to have that startled movement but it does occasionally happen. I’m not too concerned about that as I would be if she wasn’t searching out our voices when we talk. Its something I’ve noted to maybe bring up with our doctor at her 6 week check-up but I’m honestly not too upset that loud noises don’t disturb her.

AJ's One Month Update

She has very good neck strength for a baby that was 3 weeks early. When she is on our chest she will very easily lift her head to look at our faces or to turn her head so she can look in a different direction. However when you put her on the floor, the extra gravity puts her back slightly so we’re starting to have less tummy time on Mum and Dad’s chest and more on the floor. This does become a little difficult as Arlo sees this as playtime so we usually time some tummy time for when we’ve let them out to go to the toilet. On top of doing more floor tummy time, we’ve started to do some of the songs that Gymbaroo has on YouTube. They’re an amazing resource that you can use to help baby start to learn about their bodies, music, and rhythm as well as a lot of other concepts.

AJ is a very calm baby. As I said earlier, very little startles her and she’s honestly very happy to just chill and hang out with anyone who wants to hold her or in her swing. The only times you really hear her get upset is when we have to change her, when she has to get out of a bath or when she is hungry. That is not to say she is not a noisy baby. She coos and gurgles throughout the day and while she is sleeping. I find the noises that she makes while sleeping comforting as I know that she is ok, its when she goes silent that I have to check to make sure that she is fine.

While I’m not focusing on getting her to fall asleep on her own yet, she does already have the ability to self soothe herself to sleep if I place her in her swing or bassinet and walk away to cook dinner or hang up some clothes. Most of this self-soothing is done by sucking on her hands or a dummy and I’ve discovered that if she is having problems trying to fall asleep in the middle of the night, giving her her dummy and some gentle rocks helps her to drift off.

If you’re looking to find out more information on your baby’s development Pregnancy, Birth and Baby is a great website to go and have a look at. For development only (for the first 12 months) you should go here. I found this place a great resource throughout my pregnancy and while I was working out how I wanted to give birth.

How are Mum and Dad?

We’re tired. I’m not going to sugar coat it, we’re tired. Thankfully we handoff to each other so we can have time to catch up on sleep during the day or just time to ourselves so it’s not as bad as what it could be.

I will say that since having AJ, I feel as if we have grown close (as cliché as that is to say). I don’t know whether its because we’re now got less time to spend with each other alone or if its something else, but we have been a lot more physically affectionate. By that I mean there have been a lot more hugs, kisses and butt slaps than there has been recently.

Really we’re enjoying the time we have together as T goes back to work on the 2nd of March and that will be my first week doing the day solo. We’re also just enjoying the calm at the moment as towards the end of March and beginning of April we’ll be getting things ready so we can move, so things won’t be as calm as they are now.

What’s coming up?

With the beginning of her second month, AJ actually has a busy couple of weeks ahead of her. She still has a Great-Grandfather and Great-Uncle that she needs to meet as well as an Aunt, so we’re hoping that we’ll at least get to introduce her to Pa in the next week before T goes back to work.

The same week that T starts back at work, we’ve got two doctors’ appointments – the first is a follow up with the paediatric doctor we saw while in the hospital to make sure that everything is ok with her following her hospital stay. The second is her 6-week check-up and vaccinations. Considering how well her first two shots went, I’m not expecting any reactions to happen but I’m going to be making sure we’re prepared none the less. We have a cousin’s birthday party that same week as well.

After all those things with calm down a little bit before we begin to get ready to move interstate for the first time as a family unit.  So her second month is looking to be a little more active compared to her first month.

AJ's One Month Update

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